Ain’t no Stoppin Us Now

We’re on the move! Ain’t no stopping us now We’ve got the Groove We broke camp last night and said goodbye to Sebastian Inlet State Park this morning. Sadly, we didn’t get to say farewell to our South Carolina private
Escape Artists
We’re on the move! Ain’t no stopping us now We’ve got the Groove We broke camp last night and said goodbye to Sebastian Inlet State Park this morning. Sadly, we didn’t get to say farewell to our South Carolina private
About a month into retirement and the days are starting to run together where it’s hard to tell Tuesday from Friday. Used to be work from pre-dawn to dark and do chores on the weekend with an occasional activity or
The big activity planned for yesterday was a nighttime Turtle Walk. Offer by Friends of Sebastian Inlet, these turtle walks offer the possibility to witness a loggerhead sea turtle lay her eggs, cover and disguise her nest, crawl down the
We first heard about the famous Sebastian Inlet Fishing pier from Sheri’s Boomer parents who became avid fisher people in their retirement. The 745 foot jetty is open 24/7 and is a super highway for fish-life commuting to and from
Sunset at Eric and Sheri’s birthday party. Thank you for coming! What a good looking family! Pike Place Fish Mongers The Mermaid House at the West End Marina in Victoria Now this is “living on the water.” We went to
After an 11 hour day of traveling 140 miles in a 4WD Tundra, 200 miles flying in a Beechcraft 1900, 10 miles riding an electric SkyLink, 334 miles on Amtrak Cascades and 1/2 mile walk for a grand total of
We met for breakfast at 8:00 to hear Brian’s plan. Little did we know, Ashish threw him a wrench and decided he and Swati were also ready to return to Vancouver. The clouds opened up and the rain did fall,
It was our last day at the lodge, whitewater rafting was out (water level too low), we’d already attempted the hike to the summit of Mount Tullin (stopped by snow), kayaking was a bit of a bust due to improper
Operating a 5-star resort off the grid requires the lodge to be entirely self-sufficient. In the lodge, people run dishwashers, laundry machines, big screen TVs, and hundreds of lights. Outside the lodge, Mikey keeps the ‘trons flowing with two generators,
Th number one reason I chose this multi-sport adventure in Chilko Lake, BC was for the Class 4-5 white water rafting. Eric and I had taken a 3 day OARS camping trip on the wild and scenic Tuolumne River near